Rain Run

Last night was… interesting.

For those of you who don’t know, I have spent the last few weekends getting my long runs in on the treadmill. Yes, this includes my 20 miler.

Yesterday things were looking fantastic in the morning. I packed my gym bag, super excited to get a little trail run in outside. Finally! Outside!

As the day progressed on the skies got more and more dark. Around lunch time my beautiful sun had morphed into something resembling a rain/snow/sleet monster.

So. Sad.

As I finished up my work and headed outside, I called my husband to let him know that I would be on the treadmill. Again.

Don’t get me wrong- the treadmill is a fantastic tool to use intermittently for some weather proof running! But, everything in me wanted to go outside.

So I did.

As it turns out, the Run Club over at Lifetime was thinking the same thing, and even though it was a little rainy and misty they were headed out. At the last minute I flipped my switch and went with them.

I’m so glad that I changed my mind. There’s nothing wrong with being a fair weathered runner, but I don’t want to be that person. I would love to be someone that takes my sport seriously enough to go out there and get my task accomplished no matter what the adversity!

I hope that when you come to an obstacle that feels like it will just roll you over, that you’ll give yourself a pep talk and go out there and get it!

No one fights harder for you than YOU. Be a fighter!

PS we also rescued 2 dogs. win-win!